where it all started


World Tourism Day was around the corner and that’s when the batch MBA Tourism Management batch of 17-19 decided to do something about it. It was their home ground and they had to hit it big.


After getting all the permissions and formalities from the concerned authorities, the preparations for the tourism day began, and the challenge: planning the entire event in a short duration and less funding.They held a quick class meeting and with a quick brainstorming session, Navigatio 2K18 was born.


The invitation was extended to both first-year and second-year students of both MBA General and MBA Tourism Department. Posters were posted and video trailers were presented to every classroom to pull in maximum participation. With careful guidance by the faculty, each team worked smartly and made the event the success that it was.


Some key highlights of the events were:

1.   Best Manager: This event saw some of the smartest minds participating in a series of various rounds to be crowned as the best manager by the end of it.

2.   Tourism Quiz: Here the participants had to go through preliminary, and then an on-stage round that went around the world in the field of tourism, hospitality, food and a lot more.

3.   The Surprise Game: People participated with the fear of the unknown, and ended up having a great time participating in one of the most fun board games ever.

4.   Decorations: Each classroom and the play area where the key events were held, was given a theme of a specific continent and were decorated accordingly.


All in all, it was a great event for the following reasons,


·       It brought about awareness about Tourism Day

·       It gave a much-needed management exposure to the students

·       It was a day where the tourism department took charge to showcase their talent in the form of a quick video trailer


We hope the legacy of Navigatio continues forever and batches down the line make it memorable year after year.